2025 Tariff & Booking

          WEEKLY TARIFF Up to 20% discount for 2 person occupancy Oct-April, enquire for details.
January to March CLOSED
April 5 Booked
12 1,080
19 1,210
26 1,210
May 3 1,080
10 Booked
17 Booked
24 Booked
31 Booked
June 7 Booked
14 Booked
21 Booked
28 Booked
July 5 Booked
12 Booked
19 Booked
26 Booked
August 2 Booked
9 Booked
16 Booked
23 Booked
30 Booked
September 6 Booked
13 Booked
20 1,210
27 Booked
October 4 Booked
11 980
18 980
25 980
November to December CLOSED
New Year period

28 Dec –

2  Jan

Please enquire

To make a booking or for general enquiries please use the Contact Form or call 01736 793353 or my mobile 07704 590 467.

I aim to reply to all enquiries as quickly as I can and always within 4 hours, but occasionally this is not possible if I am away from St Ives. No enquiry is ever left unanswered. Thank you for your understanding.

Before making a booking please read our Terms and Conditions and see ‘Making a Booking‘.

Lettings are generally Saturday to Saturday, with shorter bookings sometimes available outside the peak periods/school and Bank Holidays.


Parking in St Ives is invaluable and your reserved space means that you can come and go whenever you wish, without worrying about finding one on your return. Space no. 66 is 250 yards from Rock Cottage, accessed by a short flight of steps above Porthminster Beach. For directions on how to drive to the front of the property to unload see the HOW TO GET HERE page.